March 15, 2018

Tutti a Iscol@ – NOIS

Tutti a Iscol@ Educational workshop NOIS

“T utti a Iscol@” – Line B1, year 2016/2017.  (teaching) High School “Castelvì”, Sassari
Educational workshop NOIS, New audiovisual languages for an intercultural education at school- (photography, Languages, video)

Multidisciplinary workshop focused on learning the audiovisual language and the use of smartphones. An educational approach to multiculturalism and anti-racism, by exploring different ways of telling the territory and its inhabitants.

output: Carreras (20’, video, audio-photo,musics) made by #S’idea Libera, #Street Corner Society, #Io Sono, #Lorenzò, #Tu vas aimer l’Afrique!